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Web design portfolio

A selection of websites with an image of the homepage created by ProAspecto Web Design:


Otívar (Granada, Spain)

Burnout Help offers information and retreats in Spain and Costa Rica for people with burnout syndrom.

Since: 2011
Languages (2): German, English
Performance: excellent loading
mobile friendly
Technique: handmade + html5, css3, php, javascript, rwd
Status:completed | online

icon Reflections-Online

Torre del Mar (Málaga, Spain)

E-Commerce for books and art objects of Dharma Publishing Germany.

Since: 2007
Languages (3): Spanish, English, German
Performance: fast loading
mobile friendly
Technique: handmade + html5, css3, javascript & php + RSS feed
Status:completed | online

icon Dortmunder Kulturbühne dkb

Dortmund (Germany)

Portal with information about cultural events in that region, as well as promotion of a dialog between art, politics and economy.

Since: 2009
Language: German
Technique: CMS Joomla! + extensions
Status:completed | online

icon Veterinary praxis

Case study of a veterinary praxis on a one page website solution with a blog

Languages (2): English, Spanish
Performance: excellent loading
mobile friendly
Technique: Wordpress +
responsive web design

icon Kum Nye Yoga


European website for the Tibetan Yoga Kum Nye of Tibetan master Tarthang Tulku.

Since: 2008
Languages (9): English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Finish, Hungarian , Dutch, Polish, Romanian
Performance: fast loading
Technique: handmade + html5, css3, javascript & php
Status:completed | online

Words from our clients:

A little screenshot of the website of Haus zu verkaufen in Torre del Mar

I commissioned Mr. Dausend to redesign my website, which he designed very innovatively and to my complete satisfaction. The buyer of my house finally came through the website.
I will gladly recommend him to others.

Wolfgang Mölder


A little screenshot of the website of Art-Reflections

ProAspecto's training courses have taught me how to update my websites myself. In my wildest dreams, I wouldn't have dared. In addition, the reliable support gives me the security I need. Great.



A little screenshot of the website of Lotus Center

For years now my best customers find me through the website created by ProAspecto Webdesign. Always up to date, good advice, new design ideas and fast implementation.
I love that.



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